.. _how_to: How To ****** .. _read_xyz: Read `.xyz` =========== The easiest way to create an organic structure to read into streamm is to use a molecular viewer, such as `Avogadro `_. You can generate a :class:`streamm.Buildingblock ` structure by inserting and connecting atoms or importing fragments. .. Note:: If you use Avogadro there are fragments available in `Build>Insert>Fragment` Once you have created your structure export it in the `.xyz `_ format, either place the `.xyz` file in the working directory of your project or navigate to its location using the `os.chdir()` command. The structure can be read in with the :func:`read_xyz() ` function by creating an empty object and either setting the `tag` of the object to the same name as prefix of the `.xyz` file .. code:: python mol101 = streamm.Buildingblock('mol101') mol101.read_xyz() or using the keyword `xyz_file` can be used to set the file name. .. code:: python mol101.read_xyz(xyz_file='mol101.xyz') .. _change_units: Change units ============ You can change the units of object properties with the :func:`update_units() ` function. This function takes a dictionary with the unit type as the key and the new unit to be used as the value. For example, the units of a Buildingblock can be changed to `nm` by running .. code:: python mol101.update_units({'length':'nm'})